La Finca Golf and Spa Resort, Alicante

Revente, Commercial

À Vendre
  • Livres sterling: 351.084 GBP
  • Rouble russe: 351.084 RUB
  • Franc suisse: 399.245 CHF
  • Yuan chinois: 3.220.735 CNY
  • Dollar: 442.468 USD
  • Couronne suédoise: 4.754.900 SEK
  • La couronne norvégienne: 4.982.913 NOK
Accueil 245 M2 Accueil



Chambres: 0
Salles de bain: 0
Construit: 245m2
Énergie: En cours
Non meublé
Le golf
Proche des commodités
Vue sur la mer
une vue imprenable
Vue sur la montagne
proche terrain de golf
Accès handicapés

A propos de cette propriété

We now have the opportunity to propose for sale the FREE PROPERTY of a large commercial unit on two stages with an internal surface area of ​​245 m2, which is also used as a restaurant/bar pendant with années names. This unit offers an incredible opportunity for those who want to discover a new business at La Finca in an ideal location. At the entrance to the main entrance, you have a large coin room, with the bar at the rear. The exterior of this zone is constructed with beautiful light, creating an incredible amount of natural light in the piece. On the right side of the main area you will find a separate piece, which can be used for a private diner if necessary or for a small meal. Wind ensuite a small couloir menant à des toilettes separated for men and women. Once you see the main area and in front of the bar, there is already a door that you have on a small bar and on a staircase that you have on the floor of the first floor or you find a small coin room. Sur la droite, vous avez un couloir qui traverse et passe devant des toilettes, suivi d'une petite pièce puis d'une grande pièce d'angle offrant beaucoup de potentiel. If you revenez au palier, you also have access to a large piece in a new building with beautiful views, certain offerings from your most spectacular views on the countryside, the sea and the coast, you must come back to the view, surtout à nuit. In descendant and à l'extérieur du bâtiment, you have access to a coin in the outdoor living room that entoure the front of the unit also in the cost of offering suffisamment of space for your clients. All the necessary documents are valid for this opportunity and the price of this full property is 425,000 euros. If this opportunity corresponds to your needs, please contact our maintenant to organize a visit, on your unique return – Merci d'avoir cherché !


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